Online Training in
Point-of-Care Ultrasound
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As accessible as ultrasound devices are, quality training is not always accessible or affordable.
...Until Now
Ultrasound has become a ubiquitous technology. When used properly, this powerful diagnostic tool can be used to rapidly diagnose life-threatening conditions at bedside.
By the time you put the ultrasound probe on the patient's body, you will have gained a robust clinical background, technical expertise in image acquisition and interpretation, and experience applying the skills in a simulated, virtual clinical setting. Rather than learning in the clinic "on the fly," you will approach the patient with confidence.
Who Are eMedical Academy Course Users?
Ultrasound Live Courses
Offering eMedical Academy courses in advance of a live course maximizes the learning experience on all fronts. Course attendees enjoy the flexibility offered by online learning, hands-on practice is maximized with a thorough clinical and practical background, and valuable instructor time is focused on assisting attendees in optimizing image acquisition and interpretation, rather than on presenting didactic content.
Medical schools, hospitals or EMT services, can use eMedical Academy’s courses to train their staff. Online learning is the most flexible and efficient way to teach point-of-care ultrasound to a large number of staff. Online courses shift the burden of learning from the instructor to the student, freeing up institutional resources and simplifying logistics.
Clinicians interested in gaining expertise in point of care ultrasound can sign up for online courses and enjoy the flexibility of learning on their own terms. Courses are available to registered users for three months, allowing for maximum retention of knowledge. Expertise gained from online courses is immediately adaptable to the clinical setting.

Have Questions? Chat with Our Professional Team.
Do you have questions you'd like answered before you decide to enroll in a course? Reach out to us today and ask whatever you'd like to make a wise, informed, decision.
Meet our Team
Our team of expert physician instructors have the knowledge and skill to offer you cutting edge online training in Point-of-Care ultrasound. Our highly-experienced clinical team created an education platform to allow you to master point-of-care ultrasound in the care of the critically ill patient.
Co-Founder & CTO